OPEN Committee



The vision of Ogden Parents Engaging Neighbors is to open doors, conversations, and perspectives in the learning community of Ogden Avenue Elementary School through the creation of experiences that value and celebrate multiple dimensions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Established in 2022, the mission of OPEN is to engage families and students in fulfilling the Culture and Relationship Goal of the District 102 Equity Policy:

We commit to engage families and the community by eliminating barriers to access, in particular those related to culture, socioeconomic status, and language. We commit to identifying equitable practices that will improve engagement with all families and diverse community stakeholders.

The District recognizes the critical need to develop strong ties between the school and local communities, the need to ensure a positive, safe, and inclusive learning environment for all students, and the need to create a mindset of continuous improvement throughout the District.

Participating parents and guardians meet monthly regarding new business, sub-committee progress, and learning opportunities related to the OPEN vision.

Interested in learning more about the OPEN Committee? Please email Sara Johnson.

upcoming eventS

Pre-Civil War Quilts: Secret Codes to Freedom on the Underground Railroad - Wednesday, February 19, 7:00 – 8:15 PM, Ogden Avenue School Gym
Experience a fascinating presentation by teacher, historian, and Illinois Humanities Road Scholars speaker Connie Martin. Ms. Martin will share her family's pre-Civil War stories that reveal hidden messages and secret codes, which helped guide enslaved people to freedom on the Underground Railroad. She will also showcase replicas of 18 different quilt patterns sewn by her family over 200 years ago. Earlier in the day, Ms. Martin will share her story with 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students at Ogden. The evening presentation is intended for parents and caregivers. Register here.


Following are some of the resources that have fueled discussions at OPEN events and meetings:


In collaboration with Julie Pitelka, Ogden’s school librarian, and Ogden library assistants Kristen Kramer & Angela Layden, the OPEN Committee selected and purchased books from notable book awards for our school’s Library Resource Center (LRC). Below are recent selections. Be sure to tell your children to check them out in the library!

This school year, the OPEN committee will be purchasing books with a focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging for each grade level. Books were selected in collaboration with the classroom teachers. A copy of each book purchased will also be provided to the special education team. 

December Featured Book - Say Something by Peter Reynolds (gifted to Kindergarten)

This picture book is about the power of a single voice to make a difference. It encourages children to share their ideas, speak up, and stand up for what they believe in. Here is a READING GUIDE for parents to use at home! 

January Featured Book - Inside Out and Back Again by Thannha Lai (gifted to Fifth Grade)

Written in Prose Poem form, this book explores the experience of a young girl fleeing her home in Saigon during the Vietnam War. Ms. Lai wrote this story loosely based on her childhood experience. Here is an interview with the author about her writing (conducted by two elementary students). Read about Thannha Lai and learn more about her books here.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Sara Johnson.