
Yearbook orders will be open after the new year - more details to come!
We have a new Image Share website for uploading photos for yearbook consideration!
Upload photo through our new Josten’s School Annual Image Share Site.
UserID: 0v6XdD_fRIrXbE1E2RfYIPQ
Images must be in JPG, TIFF, HEIC or PNG
Once you select the photos to upload, you can tag each thumbnail with First Name, Last Name, Grade, and Description. Then check the box to "Accept Terms & Conditions" and click “Upload Photos” to submit. Easy Peasy!
Questions? Contact the Yearbook Committee.
We are looking for a 6th grade student's artwork that can be showcased on the cover of the 2023-24 Ogden Avenue School yearbook. The theme is "In RETROspect" and MUST include the tagline "Work Hard. Be Kind."
Final artwork will be judged on creativity, design and theme.
Artwork Submission Requirements:
Yearbook Theme: "In RETROspect" design with the tagline "Work Hard. Be Kind." included in the art work
Must use 8.5x11 inch paper - Portrait Orientation
Markers are preferred, but can accept crayons, colored pencils, or paint
No stickers or chalk
Portray positive, happy, or school related themes
Contest Deadline is Friday, November 10.
Please submit your artwork to your homeroom teacher in an envelope or folder marked, with your name included, and Attn: “6th Grade Yearbook Committee - Cover Contest” Friday, November 10.
NOTE: The winner is kept a surprise until the yearbooks are distributed in the Spring!
We need photos of your 6th grader for the "Guess Who?" section of the yearbook!
Please share one picture (preferably a color picture) of your child as a baby, as a young child, or as an Ogden student engaged in a favorite activity to be used in the "Guess Who?" section of the yearbook.
Please submit using the following instructions no later than November 30, 2023.
Upload your child’s baby photo through our new Josten’s School Annual Image Share site
UserID: 0yc7xWFuPSNUJaVc0mtJOSQ
Images must be in JPG, TIFF, HEIC or PNG
Required: Tag your Picture (we need to know information on your 6th grader)
Include: First Name, Last Name, Grade, and Description
In Description field, input "Guess Who"
Accept Terms & Conditions and click “Upload Photos” to submit
Your 6th grader will be emailed a Google Form of All About Me / My Favorites to complete which will be used in the yearbook.
Students will have time during the school day to complete the form, but if students prefer to review or complete it at home and/or share with their families before turning in the form. CLICK HERE for a copy of the form for you to review with your 6th grader.
Please ensure your 6th grader has completed and turned in the form to their Homeroom Teacher by November 15, 2023. turn in the form to their Homeroom Teacher by November 15, 2023.
Questions? Contact the Ogden Avenue School Yearbook Committee