
This year’s 2024-25 Ogden Variety Show is Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 at 1 p.m. at Park Junior High. All Ogden students are encouraged to participate.
Act registration will open Monday, December 2 through Wednesday, December 11. Student participation registration will be open December 13 through January 10.
See the slideshow for more info here.
Stay tuned for even more details regarding this year’s 2024-25 Ogden Variety Show!
As our 6th Grade students’ time at Ogden comes to an end, it is an Ogden tradition to create some special opportunities for them to bond together as a class and celebrate their accomplishments. The purpose of our 6th Grade PTC Committee is to organize special events for this ‘graduating’ Ogden class and fundraise to present Ogden with its traditional parting “Legacy Gift”.
The Art Enrichment Program, sponsored by the Ogden PTC, provides a supplement to the art curriculum at Ogden Avenue School. Four times per year, volunteers introduce our students to artists and artistic styles in a fun and engaging manner. This program, which has a wonderful, long tradition in District 102, not only educates, but encourages artistic expression and sparks creativity.
A basic curriculum with lesson plans is provided to give direction to volunteers. Lesson plan ideas, previous lessons, sample art projects, presentation tools and art supplies can be found either in the art closet or on-line. Volunteers incorporate these resources into their presentations, embellish them or add their own flair.
All parents can choose to volunteer for the Art Enrichment Program. No art or art history background is necessary. All that is required is a willingness to lead a lesson, get creative, and engage in some fun in an Ogden classroom. This highly sought-after program provides many opportunities for parents who aspire to play a part and participate in the PTC.
To view the 2024-25 orientation presentation, click HERE.
CPCFRO (Congress Park, Cossitt, Forest Road and Ogden) Athletics is an organization that operates as a Non-For-Profit within LaGrange School District 102. They organize and manage basketball and volleyball leagues for the district's 5th and 6th grade boys and girls. The program introduces the basic fundamental skill sets needed to transition to competitive leagues that start in Junior High. In addition to the physical skill sets, CPCFRO Athletics promotes good sportsmanship and team building.
This league is an inclusive organization that provides an environment for any child that wants to learn the game. The cost for each season is typically $40 per student. The fall season runs from mid-Sept through mid-Nov and the winter season runs from mid-Jan through mid-Mar. Each team will play 7-9 games depending on the number of teams and gym availability. Coaches are always needed so please consider coaching your child this year! The PTC from each school assists by nominating a chair each year. Please contact with questions.
The vision of Ogden Parents Engaging Neighbors is to open doors, conversations, and perspectives in the learning community of Ogden Avenue Elementary School through the creation of experiences that value and celebrate multiple dimensions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
In alignment to the District 102 Equity Policy, this group convenes monthly to discuss topics related to equity, diversity and belonging, while planning programs and events for Ogden families that support the OPEN mission.
Interested in learning more? Visit the link below for more information or contact Sara Johnson.
The Positive School Climate Committee was created in 2015 as a response to parent concerns about bullying issues among girls. It has since expanded and evolved to encompass much more. The mission of the PSCC is to work, along with educators and parents, to support the social-emotional needs of our kids and build a climate of safe and supportive peer relationships. The committee has brought programs to Ogden including three separate workshops for girls and boys which address issues of peer relationships, communication, and self-esteem as well as numerous parent speakers and workshops which address topics such as anxiety, positive relationships with our kids, technology and multiculturalism and more. In 2018 the PSCC expanded to become a district-wide entity with representatives from Congress Park, Cossitt, Forest Rd and Ogden now working together to continue this mission.
These important programs cannot happen without parent volunteers. For more information on how to get involved, contact Melissa Seidelmann.
NEW! The PSCC will have its own Bulletin Board.
Student & Parent Book clubs.
The PSCC is also sponsoring an ongoing campaign for the district this year, Wait Until 8th. The pledge is taken by the parents and children to wait until 8th grade to allow the children to have a cell phone. Interested? Visit the Wait Until 8th website or visit us on our Facebook page (see button below)
Please see the PTC Calendar (see top right-hand corner of this site) for upcoming PSCC events.
Right At School offers a variety of 10-12 week, one-hour specialty after school classes in arts, science & technology, sports and more! Parents will register directly with Right at School.
Please note: there is not a registration fee required to sign up for any elective classes and you do not need to be registered with Right at School’s After School Care to enroll your child in any elective classes.
Check back at the beginning of the school year for class schedules and registration deadlines. Questions? Please contact Right at School directly.