Finalize all commitments for incoming committee chairs for upcoming year
Finalize calendar dates with teaching staff and incoming committee members*
Set date to meet with Principal Waldo in early summer to get dates set for major events
Give neccessary dates to
Hospitality for 1st Day Coffee
Social Programs for "Welcome Back Party"
Sponsor Families for Picnic
Calendar meeting
Secure Contract for Yearbook and School Photos
Copy PTC paperwork for Registration
Get date and organize Registration stuffing
Finalize volunteers/process for registration
Check with all committees hosting upcoming events (Social, Health & Safety, Sponsor Family Picnic) & offer assistance if needed.
Attend Sponsor Family Picnic (Exec Board should be in attendance)
1st day Coffee (Arranged by Hospitality cmte). Be sure to have something set up for afternoon kdg as well.
Apply for School Building Use for all PTC/Exec board meetings
Work with VP Communications to prepare first weekly email
Prepare for 1st PTC meeting (invitations should go out in 1st weekly emails and on Website)
Hold exec board meeting before to ensure everything is being covered and we are prepared for larger discussion
Hand out list of dates for Exec board of Roundtable mtgs/PTC & all exec board dates
Prepare agenda & post 24 hrs prior
Work with Treasurer to prepare proposed budget (Be sure year end budget is adjusted to reflect all outstanding bills and bank statement is balanced)
Attend Round table meeting (bring copies of Calendar for all schools & Bd members along with proposed budget)
Approved budget for round table should be prepared on a specific form which can be attained through Carol Norvilas (482-2400 ext 2024) in the Dist office if you did not receive it during the Sept meeting (in 2013 this happened at October roundtable)
VP of Fundraising should submit list of vendors
Get date for Ogden to host Round table & arrange to have someone provide refreshments (Hospitality Committee)
Compile list of Newsletter dates/deadlines from Office
Prepare & distribute letter to staff offering Email services for periodic volunteer help when needed and offer to add weekly email updates.
Prepare weekly newsletters.
Support Book Fair endeavors/recruit volunteers via weekly posts
Work with Principal to gather gift ideas for each grade level for December.
Help Red Sled chairs with any ongoing needs.
Purchase/wrap gifts for each classroom
Write out notes for each teacher & Target Gift Card
Donate Books in Principle honor to LRC + Target gift card
Weekly newsletter
Finalize & Support all Red Sled Duties
Contact Santa – John Lorenzen (51 Malden, 708-354-3034, Confirm date and times with Principal. Santa visits take all day. Get John the Santa Suit. Gave him a $30 Gift card for his time.
Support Variety Show committee as necessary
Schedule Santa visit (Principal made up detailed schedule in 2012)
Purchase flowers for Ms LeGare at the Winter Concert
(Corsage or small plant presented at the end of the day concert, bouquet at the end of the evening)
Choose one of the children to present it to her at the end of each concert.
Begin sending out information to plan for next year’s committees/recruit new volunteers
Begin committee selection for next year's Board members
Select nominating committee for Exec Board positions that need to be filled
Appoint a By-Law Review committee (done every other even year in January)
Get dates for Golf Outing set with volunteers if it's going to happen
Continue filling committees for upcoming year
School supplies volunteer should begin preparing forms for teachers supply list
Update Ogden Scholarship forms (contact at LT is Lianne Musser 708.579-6357)
Contact Hospitality Committee regarding set up for March Roundtable meeting (encourage all Ogden Exec Board to attend)
Recruit helpers & attend Kdg Registration day (Contact Hospitality Committee to set up refreshments)
Continue working on Committee Chairs
Follow up w/ any unfinished Yearbook questions if needed
Begin pulling together calendar dates for all committees
Purchase flowers for Ms Johnson at the Spring Concert
Corsage presented at the end of the day concert, bouquet at the end of the evening
Choose one of the children to present it to her at the end of each concert.
Confirm Rain Date for Field Days
Post slate of officers w/ at least 30 Days prior to May Meeting
Gifts for outgoing 6th grade families prepared for end of school
Continue to finalize calendar dates for upcoming year
Make sure book Fair/Ice Cream Social/Art Enrichment Showcase are coming together for event
Encourage 6th grade fundraiser
Have Plaques engraved for:
Scholarship – in hallway near corner
Presidents - ????
6th Grade Legacy Project
Gather/update all paperwork to be included in summer registration mailings
Finalize Calendar dates
Collect committee folders/info to pass along to incoming chair persons
Installation of new officers
Thank you party???
Gift for 6th grade families
Work on PTC forms for upcoming year
Weekly Newsletters
One week before PTC meeting, create Agenda, gather topics and post 1 day prior to meeting
Attend Roundtable meetings (6x per year)
Email Thank you’s to committee chairs
Thank Volunteers for PTC events in weekly communication
Followup with all upcoming PTC chair events to be sure they have what they need.