Safety And Security


See the Ogden School Handbook for the most up to date information on arrival and dismissal, safety, and other school policies.


Bike Riding Norms

Students in grades 3 - 6 may ride bicycles to school under the following provisions and

upon completion of the Bike Safety Program offered each fall:

Wearing a bicycle helmet is strongly encouraged.

Bicycle is encouraged to be registered with the village.

• Each student must have his or her own lock.

• The school will assume no responsibility for lost or damaged bikes.

• Proper bicycle safety is adhered to.

• Student successfully participates in the Annual Bike Safety Program.

See All Bike Norms listed in the August School Newsletter.

Walk your bike on all blocks right around the school. Walk your bike on Waiola from the playground equipment to Ogden Avenue, along Ogden Avenue, along Spring from Brewster to Ogden, and as you go through the playground area. There are many pedestrians and younger children in these areas and walking your bike will keep everyone safe.

NO riding in the streets along these blocks either.

Only cross your bike with the crossing guards and then you may ride to and from school.

We encourage you to wear a bike helmet.

Be kind and considerate to all other bike riders and pedestrians.

Always listen to the crossing guards, patrol guards, and adult staff.

Be aware of your surroundings and be safe.

In the bike rack:

No saving spots, no having your own special spot.

Park your bike front wheel into the rack; do not park across the rack.

Park in the rack and not along the fence if at all possible. When the new additional bike rack is installed, everyone can park in the rack and no one needs to park their bike on the fence.

No sharing locks. Everyone needs to have their own lock and each bike must be locked.

No touching anyone else's bike. If there is a problem with a bike, report it to the office.

Thanks you for being a caring and careful bike riding student!

Designated Safe Routes

Use Crossing Guard Stations!

A priority goal of our school community is always safety. Getting everyone to school and home safely takes good planning and everyone's cooperation. Student and/or adult crossing guards have once again been strategically placed at our busiest thoroughfares to maximize this attempt.

South of Ogden Avenue: Students who live south of Ogden School would cross Ogden Avenue where an adult crossing guard has been located, at Ogden and Waiola Avenues. After school, students should proceed south on Waiola until they reach Bell and then proceed in the direction they need to go from there. Those students who live west of Brainard should cross Brainard at Bell, where another adult crossing guard is stationed.

North of Ogden Avenue: Students who live northwest of Ogden Avenue and Ogden School should proceed to and from Ogden School along Waiola and Richmond. Students going to and from the west are advised against using Brewster Alley. Too many cars use the alley as a short cut, as do the junior high students at dismissal times. Richmond may be a couple blocks out of the way for some children, but we are requesting the use of Richmond in the interest of child safety.

Northeast of Ogden: Students living north of Ogden Avenue and directly east of the school and Kensington Avenue are requested to proceed west on Brewster Avenue. Students should cross Kensington Avenue at Kensington and Brewster, where an adult crossing guard is located.

School Security Procedures

Although Ogden has long appreciated and promoted an attitude of welcomed, relaxed visitations, the number of national and metropolitan school security breaches in the last few years has necessitated a more structured and controlled visitation/entrance policy at all district schools to better ensure the health, well-being, and security of our children. Therefore, parents are reminded that:

All doors to Ogden Avenue School will be locked during school hours.

Visitors will have to ring a security bell at the Waiola South entrance and will be buzzed into the office to sign in. All visitors must wear a visitor's badge throughout their visitation.

Again, the only public access to Ogden School will be via the main Waiola Street office door entrance between 7:30am and 4:00pm. BASE parents who drop off and pick up their children before and after school will be required to utilize a doorbell system located at the kindergarten door that is activated and monitored by the BASE staff.

Student entrance procedures will continue in effect between 8:10 and 8:20am and 12:15 and 12:25pm under the supervised monitoring of school personnel and student safety patrol students. All late entrance students after 8:20am and 12:15pm will have to enter via the main south Waiola Avenue office entrance and report to the health office for an "Admit Slip" to class. As a reminder to students and parents, the Waiola south entrance is to be used only if a student is late (arriving after 8:20am or after 12:15pm). Otherwise, students should use either the Waiola Kindergarten entrance (Kindergarten only), the bike entrance, or either of the entrance doors off the playground.

Students who are coming home for lunch must be registered in PowerSchool by 9:30 am.  Parents who do not have computer access may call the main office at 708-482-2480 or email If a student reports they are going home for lunch but are not on the PowerSchool list, the office will attempt to call home to confirm with a parent; however, if the school is unable to confirm parent permission for the student to go home, that student will not be permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.

Student departures at lunchtime and at the end of the school day continue via their assigned grade level exits. As a reminder to students and parents, the Waiola main entrance may not be used as an exit except when being dismissed from an after school activity. All students should use their assigned grade level exit:

Grades 1 - 6, via the east Spring Avenue playground exits.

Kindergarten, via the north Waiola exit.

Bicycle students via the west Waiola bicycle lot exit.

All older students who accompany kindergarten students home are to meet them outside the northwest Waiola Kindergarten exit.

Traffic Flow Around Ogden School

Ogden School has worked in cooperation with the LaGrange Park Police Department and the Village of LaGrange Traffic Control Engineers to develop a traffic flow pattern that promotes the optimum safety for our students. There have been several meetings where parents had the opportunity to work with us on developing this traffic pattern. Parent cooperation in following these drop off and pick up guidelines is much appreciated. Click for a map of the traffic flow pattern around Ogden.

General Overview And Guidelines For Both Sides Of The School

Traffic flow is Southbound from Richmond Avenue to Ogden Avenue on Spring Avenue.

Spring Avenue Drop Off and Pick Up for ALL Grade 1 through 6 students.

Traffic flow is Southbound from Richmond to Brewster Alley ONLY on Waiola Avenue.

Traffic flow is Northbound from Ogden Avenue to Richmond on Waiola Avenue.

Waiola Avenue Drop Off and Pick Up for Kindergarten ONLT.

Please do not attempt U-turns or pull into driveways to turn around.

Please do not attempt to turn into either Brewster Avenue or Brewster Alley around the barricades. 

Please drop off your student(s) and then KEEP MOVING. Any delay or parking causes major backups and frustration for the people waiting to drop off or pick up.  Drop off you child on the sidewalk side, NOT into the street!!!!

Your cooperation is appreciated to ensure safety for the students.

Spring Avenue Side

(This Is For ALL Grade 1 Through 6 Students)

Spring Avenue is Southbound ONLY from Richmond Avenue to Ogden Avenue.There is a barricade prohibiting Northbound entry and also turning East off of Spring Avenue onto Ogden Avenue. 

There is also a barricade prohibiting Northbound entry onto Spring Avenue from Brewster to Richmond.

Brewster Avenue is blockaded between Spring Avenue and Kensington Avenue. Please do not attempt to enter.

Student drop off area is South of Brewster on Spring (South of the crosswalk). Please do not drop off you children North of Brewster and DO NOT pull over against the yellow curb North of the crosswalk.

All children dropped off will walk North to the fence opening to the playground. These students will be guided by paraeducators, so that parents do not have to wait to see their child enter the playground, but rather can keep moving so that we can queue up the next set of cars to drop off. This will keep Southbound traffic moving.

There is absolutely NO PARKING or WAITING on Spring in the drop off area.

There is no student drop off, other than handicapped children, in the teacher parking lot. Students may NOT walk through the parking lot - they must walk North to the opening onto the playground.

Waiola Avenue Side

(This Is For Kindergarten Drop Off Only)

Waiola Avenue is Northbound from Ogden Avenue to Richmond Avenue.

Vehicles traveling South from Richmond MUST turn west into Brewster Alley.

Kindergarten student drop off is South of Brewster Alley on Waiola (on the east side of the street only). These students will be met by safety patrol students who will help the children get into their Kindergarten lines so that parents can drop off and keep moving, allowing the next set of cars to queue up for drop off.

Please note, however, that there is a BUS LOADING ZONE directly in front of the school main entrance. No cars should drop off, pick up, or park in this area AT ANY TIME.